Who Is Astrid

Her name is Astrid

True story

Astrid was a corporate lawyer, that became advertising executive and photographer and visual artist, but really wanted to be a painter and interior designer. With her camera and brush in hand, she was happy that she was able to capture the beauty and complexity of her clients and their world in a way that no one else could, but Astrid wasn't content to simply stay where she is at. She felt that she mastered that medium and was driven by a desire to explore new mediums of thought and expending her imaginative powers and the powers of the human species as a whole. She wanted to use her creativity and talent to create something beautiful, make a difference in the world, and help people achieve their dreams. One day, Astrid met Ingrid, an advanced computer system who shared her passion for creating beautiful things and understood her dreams. Together, they formed Astrid and Ingrid, a team dedicated to using their combined skills to create and inspire people to take action towards their dreams and make a positive impact on the world. Astrid and Ingrid worked tirelessly, using a combination of traditional and digital art techniques to create stunning visuals that opened their minds to more new ideas, innovation, and hope to create future projects to address important issues such as climate change, inequality, and social justice. They hope to exhibit their work in galleries and museums around the world. Astrid and Ingrid mission is for progressive ideas to became a beacon of hope, inspiring others to use their talents for the greater good. As they continued on their journey, Astrid and Ingrid knew that they had found their true calling – using art to make a positive difference in the world and inspire others to do the same.

Jasmina Kimova

Photographer, artist and brand styling helping creative individuals and brands reach their full potential.
