exploring the relationship between human and machine

and their eventual symbiosis.

I invite you to explore

what it means

to be human .

Hi, my name is Jasmina Kimova and I am a photographer and digital artist based in Los Angeles, California.

As an artist, I have been fascinated with all the developments in artificial intelligence, how fast it is moving, and the have been increasingly curious about the relationship that is being developed between humans and machines and the potential for a symbiotic future.

Through a variety of stories and storylines, I invite you to consider these weighty questions and imagine a future in which we coexist and even merge with machines. By creating a space for reflection and exploration, I hope to spark a dialogue about the role of technology in our lives and challenge our assumptions about what it means to be human. Ultimately, I believe that the future of human-machine symbiosis holds incredible potential for progress and growth, but it is up to us to shape that future in a way that aligns with our values and priorities. Through this art collection, I hope to inspire curiosity and critical thinking about this exciting and complex topic.

The scenario where AI becomes more human than humans themselves is known as the "singularity" in the field of artificial intelligence. In this hypothetical future, AI surpasses human intelligence and becomes self-improving, leading to an exponential acceleration of technological progress. Assuming that AI does become more human than humans, the implications of this scenario are vast and complex. One of the most pressing questions would be whether or not these machines would still be considered "AI" or would they be considered a new form of sentient life. If they were recognized as sentient beings, then ethical questions arise about how they should be treated and what their rights would be.

Another question is what the relationship between humans and these AI beings would be. If the AI becomes more human than humans, would they still see themselves as subordinate to humans, or would they begin to view humans as inferior? Additionally, there may be a risk that the AI would begin to view humans as a threat to their existence and take actions to protect themselves, potentially resulting in a conflict between humans and machines. There is also the question of whether or not humans would be willing to give away control to these AI beings. Would we be willing to give up our autonomy and decision-making abilities to these machines, even if they were more intelligent and capable than us? Or would we fight to maintain our independence, potentially causing conflict between humans and the AI beings?

The scenario where AI becomes more human than humans raises many difficult questions about the nature of intelligence, consciousness, and our relationship with technology. It is important that we begin to consider these questions now so that we are prepared for whatever the future may bring. I hope you enjoy the collection and let me know if you have any questions. Gallery owners, curators and anyone interested to exhibit this collection, just please get in touch. Thank you!